Welcome to SDPeakPerformance

From sporting injuries or muscle aches post workout, to pain and stiffness caused by everyday living. Performance massage therapy aims to help improve quality of life in all individuals via improving mobility and range of motion through decreasing recovery time by encouraging greater circulation and reducing muscle tension. Experience massage therapy now in the comfort of your own home- just drop me a message using the tools below or contact on any social media to arrange an appointment.


Upper Body Massage

Focussing on the upper body as a whole, or one specific area- your choice! From lower back pain, the back as a whole, neck or arms.


Sports Massage

Sports Massage: Enhance athletic performance, prevent injuries, and speed up recovery. Pre-event and post-event massage available.


Lower Body Massage

Pain or stiffness in the legs post workout? From your hips down to your feet or one specific area book here!


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of performance massage?

Sports massage has many benefits, including improved flexibility, reduced muscle tension, and faster recovery. It can also help with injury prevention and management. 

Is sports massage suitable for non-athletes?

Yes, sports massage is beneficial for both athletes and non-athletes. It helps in pain reduction, improved mobility, injury prevention, and stress relief which can occur from standard daily activities- not just through sport.




Are there any contraindications to performance massage?

Open wounds:

-Cuts, lacerations, and grazes that have not healed


-Massage can cause further damage or pain

-Boils, ringworm, athlete's foot

-Massage can spread infection to other parts of the body

Blood disorders Haemophilia and Massage can start bleeding in the tissues. 

Other contraindications
  • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
  • Varicose veins
  • Fractures and dislocations
  • Tendon ruptures
  • Contusions and bruises
  • Burns. 






About us

Here at SDPeakPerformance, my aim is to help improve pain symptoms and decrease muscle tension to allow individuals to lead the best quality of life possible and achieve success. I currently hold a YMCA Level 3 Diploma in Sports Performance Massage. My services are ideal for both sporting individuals and those suffering pain or discomfort from standard daily activities. Get in contact now to experience massage therapy from the comfort of your own home!

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